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snow again..

Pagi2 tadi tgk luar je bumi dilitupi dengan salji...huhuhu...tak sangka plak snow nak turun... tebal jugak.. sampai petang ni pun still putih lagi permukaan bumi...kiranya lambat cair..kalau tidak biasanya dalam 2-3 jam dah cair dan tak nampak putih pun... tapi yg tak bestnya licin... kena hati2 bawa kereta dan bila berjalan... kalau tidak jatuh umpama nangka busuk lah...

pandangan dari tingkat 3....suasana sekitar jam 9 pagi..agak tebal juga...licin pun licin..kenalah jalan perlahan-lahan dengan sopan santun...

masih dari tingkat 3 juga....suasana sekitar jam 4 petang...masih tebal lagi salji tu...selalunya kalau snow turun pagi dan berhenti selepas bbrp jam, bila petang biasanya dah cair...takde tinggalan masih tebal lagi...

based on news yg dibaca tadi, fenomena ni akan berterusan di beberapa tempat di sini terutama di northern England...di Midlands cuma light snow je... kalau tgk this week forecast ... suhu tertinggi pun cuma 3 degree je... suhu terendah mencecah -5 degree...sejukkkkk......

kat bawah ni article hari ni from
Britain braced for big freeze

The Arctic start to 2009 caused havoc on the roads today and forecasters are predicting more freezing conditions to come.The end of the Christmas break was marked by a wave of rain, sleet and snow which turned to ice in many places as temperatures dropped overnight.

The Met Office issued a severe weather warning for London and east and south east England this morning with widespread icy roads and pavements.Dan Adamson, a forecaster at MeteoGroup UK, the weather division of the Press Association, said: "There was more cloud last night and that brought snow but it also meant it did not get as cold as Saturday night.

"Across the country tonight we are likely to see average temperatures between -4C and –7C with Northern Ireland being a little bit less cold."Last night temperatures as low as –8C were recorded in northern Scotland and they fell as far as –6C in parts of England and Wales.The icy conditions played a part in a fatal accident in Lincolnshire where a woman was killed when her car got stuck on a level crossing and was hit by a train.The 30-year-old was driving over the crossing in South Drove, near Spalding, when her car clipped a Ford Transit van heading in the opposite direction.She was hit by the train as she tried to drive off the crossing, which was described by police as "like a skating rink".

The weather brought problems for drivers with the AA saying they expected to be called to more than 20,000 breakdowns by the end of the day.An AA spokesman said: "The cold weather has combined with the return to work and schools making it a very busy day – most of the extra workload is home starts with flat batteries being the most common call-out."The chill prompted water company Severn Trent to appeal to its eight million customers across the Midlands and Wales to protect their water systems, after reports pipes were freezing even with heating on full blast.And pensioners were advised to take extra precautions to make sure they stay warm during the cold weather.

Director General of Age Concern Gordon Lishman said: "With predictions of more snow and freezing temperatures this week we are urging vulnerable older people, who are more susceptible to the cold, to take extra precautions to stay warm and keep active."Many of the poorest pensioners are struggling to afford paying for essentials like food and heating. Yet despite this, up to £5 billion in benefits is still going unclaimed."He said anyone worried about high energy bills should call the charity's free helpline on 0800 00 99 66 for advice.Police in Cumbria warned that children were risking their lives by playing on the ice covering one of England's largest lakes.Youngsters were seen on Saturday trying to smash holes with boulders as they played on the ice 50ft from the shore on Derwentwater in the Lake District.Meanwhile, in Gloucestershire 15 schools were closed with people living in Cheltenham and the Forest of Dean waking to find their cars and pavements under a blanket of snow.The current cold snap is set to continue until the weekend when milder weather may finally arrive.

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Article 1
Article 2
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xkena gaya, mcm main ski atas jalan la ya..banyaknya yuki..kat sini sepoi2 je..xdapat nak snap pun
06 January 2009 03:15

iRa said...
ni first timr tebal macam ni...sebelum ni ciput je...kalau pagi turun..tghari dan cair...takde kesan pun...lagi satu factor suhu kot...this week mostly –ve je suhunya...
06 January 2009 09:20

xeaa said...
bestnye. Keluar rumah je, dah boleh ice skating. kat mesia, kena pi sunway pyramid, bayar rm20, baru boleh main.
Itupun asyik jatuh2 je.heeee
06 January 2009 19:50

iRa said...
ice skating? Ekekeke...memang ice skating lagi2 kalau terslip n jatuh....
07 January 2009 03:15

ainzoo said...

ku rasa apa yg kau rasa...ehe.mmg xbest nk bjalan atas lapisan ais yg licin tu..sengal2 pinggang sbb nk mbalancekan badan.rasa macam nk pakai kasut yg ada paku2 sikit kat tapak spy ble jalan dgn machonya...Labok pun so far sjuk.kdg2 smpai -9cel.xsanggup rasanya nk duk kat area yg lagi sejuk dr tu..uhuhu..
07 January 2009 08:43

iRa said...
ain..mujur bukan kat Canada...kalau tidak lagi beku kan.. :)
*tgk ain pakai boot tu macam best je...
08 January 2009 03:05


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