Reading novel became my habit since my childhood days....parents memang suka beli buku cerita and magazine sejak dari zaman a kid, part of my life were surrounded with Nancy Drews series, Hardy Boys series, Disney Fairy Tales, Dewan Pelajar n macam2 lagi...and habit membaca ni tak hilang sampailah ke zaman remaja...
Tapi bila dah semakin bertambah umur..minat membaca pun ke arah buku2 yg lebih berat dan tebal dan of course RM pun perlu, one of the way to get this reading material is not by buying it but of course borrowing it from the of my habit is I'll try to read just one book from any author and then if i think that the plot and storyline is interesting then i'll read another book from the same author. That's what happen to John Grisham's novel.
The Firm was the first JG novel that i've read. Start je baca, tak boleh berhenti. I've finished read it in one day...ekekekke...(i've never watch the movie..sampai sekarang tak pernah tgk movie The Firm)..karakter dan plot novel sangat menarik...of memang makanan JG..dia punya kepakaran dan dia gunakan sepenuhnya dalam novel dia...
sejak dari tu, buku JG dalam library memang akan dipinjam olehku.......for now adalah beli skit2 buku JG nih...nak beli banyak2 pun tak larat....dan masih mengumpul sedikit demi sedikit...beli novel yg awal2 lah dulu..murah skit...:)
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